It is really real
Looking back on it now I never thought I would make it to this point. From working 2nd & 3rd shift 40+ hours a week and barely any sleep during the day, to fighting my depression and anxiety. I look back on all the obstacles I have overcome and couldn’t be prouder of myself and the man that I have become, because if you asked me a year ago I would’ve told you I wouldn’t have made it. I look at my future with optimism and faith that God will see me through anything just as he did with this exact moment. I have no clue where life will take me, but I will continuously chase my dreams with all I have in me. Wherever the world is about to take me, I’m ready.
Photo taken by Desiree Bolden (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Mayo 20, 2020 - #KodakMoments