Our first trip together in SF
Photo taken by Him (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 22, 2017 - #KodakMoments
I went back to Indonesia to capture my best friend's wedding day. A moment that I'm so glad I didn't missed it. 🫶
Photo taken by Nadhira Noor (Indonesia)
Our first trip together in SF
Photo taken by Him (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 22, 2017 - #KodakMoments
There are plenty of fish in the sea. Luckily, I caught you and made you into a delicious sushi roll!
Photo taken by Tina Phomthisene (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 21, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Having you was a dream......i hope we can enjoy this journey
Photo taken by Me (Malasia)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 20, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Our Gatsby themed wedding brought all ages to the dance floor. That's our little ring bearer, Benjamin, having a great time with his Auntie Grace. Even after taking photos all day in brisk Chicago weather, Benji still kept the party going!
Photo taken by Kenny Kim Photography (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 19, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Never forget to smile.
Photo taken by Sukhvir Benning (Reino Unido)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 18, 2017 - #KodakMoments
The evil queen
Photo taken by Stephanie (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 17, 2017 - #KodakMoments
On a fall Sunday morning I took my 4 year old to the local park to try his hand with a fishing pole. In 5 minutes he had his first catch!
Photo taken by Robert Ramsey (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 16, 2017 - #KodakMoments
I babysit for my grandchildren Edgar and Maya three times a week they are my joy. We have so much fun together. You’re always playing games watching cartoon movies together coloring they keep me going day after day and it makes me feel so young. There’s nothing like grandchildren, they are the best.
Photo taken by Frieda DeVito (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 15, 2017 - #KodakMoments
I think it's safe to say they're #KindaWeirdMoments.
Photo taken by Melanie (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 14, 2017 - #KodakMoments
My youngest son loves to joke and he’s great at making me laugh. Here we’re on a mother/son vacation and he’s making a face without me knowing it since he’s so excited to be on vacation.
Photo taken by Michelle S. (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 11, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Under the rocks are snails and we can fills our pockets and let them go one by one all day in a brand new place.
Photo taken by Anna Trifirò (Italia)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 10, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Sweet nap my son and our yorkie Penny
Photo taken by Lana Garmon (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 09, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Just simply enjoying the summer breeze with the bestest mommy ever, who wouldn't smile!
Photo taken by April Macaya (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 06, 2017 - #KodakMoments
My granddaughter is always such a happy girl and loves to pose for pictures but capturing this exciting moment when we decided to do something special in New York City was priceless
Photo taken by Buffalino (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 05, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Photo taken by Lily Rault (Francia)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 04, 2017 - #KodakMoments
On my boys first visit to the country fair, they braved their first roller coaster. Their expressions are priceless!
Photo taken by Dawn Kaestner (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 03, 2017 - #KodakMoments
We love to go to the local skate park and watch my son do his magic on his board, it is amazing.
Photo taken by Kimberly Alumbaugh (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 02, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Emma is 4 years old and loves all living creatures, especially the little buggys. She found her little bug friend at the park and named him Charlie. After about 10 minutes or so she lost Charlie and was devastated.
Photo taken by Mom (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Noviembre 01, 2017 - #KodakMoments
A fun day at the park showing mommy I can do hopscotch
Photo taken by Tonisha (mom) (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 30, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Just another walk with mommy but this time I chose to wear my tutu and leotard.
Photo taken by Tonisha (mom) (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 29, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Omg I look like I’m waiting for a fly to go in my mouth. ???
Photo taken by Carol powell (Reino Unido)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 28, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Being an Erasmus student means also visiting places all around, living the moment, take a photo... when a Northern Sea-wave is coming to you and the wind makes you in a mess. Just love it!
Photo taken by Giulia Zaghini (Italia)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 27, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Waiting for her very first play date at the children's museum.
Photo taken by Tonisha (mom) (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 24, 2017 - #KodakMoments
We were throwing the football around as we always do on Sundays here in Lubbock, Tx. The boys were thirsty and I told my older son Kaiden (8), to go help Kyler (4) get a drink from the park water fountain. Lucky for me, I had my S8Plus phone on me to capture these two silly boys doing what they do best, bringing a smile to my face. A true Kodak Moment!!! One of many moments these two give me each and every day. I am truly blessed with two very handsome young men!
Photo taken by Jason Newman aka Dad (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 23, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Penny boards, bork a lots, and sunsets. Would recommend.
Photo taken by Kelsy Terry (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 22, 2017 - #KodakMoments
I was shooting all over Manhattan that day and made my way down Broadway from Times Square to Union Square, where I stopped with a single frame left on my last roll of Portra 800. The last one had to be amazing, so a previously unfathomable patience set in. Then I discovered this chess match with all the right pieces: the boy swinging above his weight with his father at his side, the wizened park grandmaster, the crowd postponing the rest of their days. I lined up the shot, fired, and took off with apathy about who won. How could I care about the outcome? I had to get this roll developed.
Photo taken by Rex Kandhai (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 21, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Une amusante promenade avec ma petite fille au milieu des bottes de pailles belle-iloise en Bretagne.
A fun walk with my little girl in the middle of the Belle-iles in Brittany.
Photo taken by Jean-Louis Lods (Francia)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 20, 2017 - #KodakMoments
My love learning how to smile and enjoy the little moments again after years of running a small business x
Photo taken by Zoe Waddington (Australia)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 19, 2017 - #KodakMoments
big brother Jodeci admiring his baby brother Juelz, brothers are eachothers first best friends
Photo taken by Mommy (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 18, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Let the wild rumpus start!? #momlife #nevertoooldtoplaypretend #mylittlemonster #loveblossoms
Photo taken by Brynns mommy (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 17, 2017 - #KodakMoments
My husband and I ran our own business for 7 years and sold it in December last year. This is our year off before the next adventure. A year of travel. A year of fun and new experiences. A year of food and drink. A year to focus on ourselves. A year to learn to appreciate the little moments again. A year to learn to appreciate each other again. A year of us #chrisandzlesyearoffun
Photo taken by Zoe Waddington (Australia)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 16, 2017 - #KodakMoments
I love ice cream" smiles!!!??
Photo taken by Mama (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 13, 2017 - #KodakMoments
We are both advisers to Israeli Parliament members. We met when they decided to cooperate in an election campaign. Unfortunately they lost, but at least we won each other ?
Photo taken by Maya Azaria (Israel)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 12, 2017 - #KodakMoments
An early August day bursts with excitement as one lucky boy, my nephew, experiences the thrill and anticipation of his first giant soap bubble.
Photo taken by Alisha Martindale (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 10, 2017 - #KodakMoments
My grandson and his brother waiting for a delayed homecoming date. She was beautiful when she arrived.
Photo taken by Sharon Stephan (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 07, 2017 - #KodakMoments
There aren't many things in life that are free but sand and the ? have to be one of the best. Our girls road trip to Somerset and Devon and this blitz on the beach was one of the highlights of my year. Seeing the sheer joy in playing with the seaweed, sand and water but also what a totally brilliant human being she has become never fails to surprise me. It shouldn't really as she's brilliant 90% of the time, but it's so easy to take it for granted and sometimes it takes a little one on one time for me to notice how brilliant she is.
Photo taken by Frances Thompson (Reino Unido)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 06, 2017 - #KodakMoments
The ride home after a fun weekend visiting family.
Photo taken by Kristy (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 05, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Practice makes perfect! Here is a perfect Kodak moment of my boyfriend Steven not only helping but teaching his nephew-in-law how to air his mother flat tire. This makes the picture book for memorable moments! ?
Photo taken by Caprice Stiles (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 04, 2017 - #KodakMoments
Lewis vs Bretzing 2-3. Coach Lewis asked for players to help out his team for the last three games of the season.
Photo taken by Vicki Iseminger (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 03, 2017 - #KodakMoments
We were slow dancing during a magical night at Ragged Point in Big Sur for my best friend's wedding @beccaflies and @mikecinch
Photo taken by @keleenhitzel (Estados Unidos)
Kodak Moment of the Day: Octubre 02, 2017 - #KodakMoments