A cyclist on the rural Bangladeshi road. Photo taken from a running train.
A cyclist on the rural Bangladeshi road. Photo taken from a running train.

A beautiful sunny start of this Sunday morning October 30, 2016 in Altweerterheide in the Netherlands.
Good Morning Sunschine
A beautiful sunny start of this Sunday morning October 30, 2016 in Altweerterheide in the Netherlands.

I took this picture in Nuuanu valley during a photoshoot for my photography class. This picture is special to me because it captures the nature and beauty around my school. The reason why I choose to attend this school is because of it's beautiful and peaceful landscapes that often help me relax and pause to enjoy life even during my most stressful moments of school. This relates to the theme of Nature because it highlights nature's natural beauty by highlighting the tree's texture and colors.
Spring Grows Green
I took this picture in Nuuanu valley during a photoshoot for my photography class. This picture is special to me because it captures the nature and beauty around my school. The reason why I choose to attend this school is because of it's beautiful and peaceful landscapes that often help me relax and pause to enjoy life even during my most stressful moments of school. This relates to the theme of Nature because it highlights nature's natural beauty by highlighting the tree's texture and colors.

I love tasting everything I can find my hands on these days. Found out that I could put my toes in my mouth today!
Tasty Toes
I love tasting everything I can find my hands on these days. Found out that I could put my toes in my mouth today!

I went for a trip and on the way through the nature I met a wooden view-tower. My best animal friend was following me all the way but when I started to climb the stairs she stopped and sat down realising that it is too steep and high for her to go up. As if she was saying, I can't go further but I will wait for you. Or maybe she was happy she can rest for a while:) I made this picture to remember the precious little moment. And the day I'm submitting this photo is special, it is her 10th birthday:) Strá~ný vrch u Merboltic, Czech Republic Shot on film Kodak Portra 160
Heaven can wait
I went for a trip and on the way through the nature I met a wooden view-tower. My best animal friend was following me all the way but when I started to climb the stairs she stopped and sat down realising that it is too steep and high for her to go up. As if she was saying, I can't go further but I will wait for you. Or maybe she was happy she can rest for a while:) I made this picture to remember the precious little moment. And the day I'm submitting this photo is special, it is her 10th birthday:) Strá~ný vrch u Merboltic, Czech Republic Shot on film Kodak Portra 160

Renaissance festivals are starting up. Every year my grandson and I face off in a fencing match. Score so far: Quentin 3, Nana 0.
Face off
Renaissance festivals are starting up. Every year my grandson and I face off in a fencing match. Score so far: Quentin 3, Nana 0.

My 10 year old granddaughter riding the waves on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
Surf Rider
My 10 year old granddaughter riding the waves on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

The General - he's become quite popular on my photo assignments. Actually, he's become more popular than my other photos without him! I always get asked.... "Great landscape! But where's The General!" I love this shot because it really displays how regal he is - his personality. High up, looking out as if he has accomplished something mighty. This was taken at Convict Lake, not far from Mammoth area in CA.
The General Conquers
The General - he's become quite popular on my photo assignments. Actually, he's become more popular than my other photos without him! I always get asked.... "Great landscape! But where's The General!" I love this shot because it really displays how regal he is - his personality. High up, looking out as if he has accomplished something mighty. This was taken at Convict Lake, not far from Mammoth area in CA.

Editor's Note: Enjoy today's International Picture of the Day selection!
flower parade
Editor's Note: Enjoy today's International Picture of the Day selection!

Editor's Note: Enjoy today's International Picture of the Day selection!
ayutthaya buddha
Editor's Note: Enjoy today's International Picture of the Day selection!

Because it stopped me first thing in the morning and made me take a breath I may not have taken on my own. I happened to just glance over on a bridge I travel on my way to work over the Savannah River and pulled over. It has nature written all over it. Morning sun, morning mist...
Savannah River Sunrise
Because it stopped me first thing in the morning and made me take a breath I may not have taken on my own. I happened to just glance over on a bridge I travel on my way to work over the Savannah River and pulled over. It has nature written all over it. Morning sun, morning mist...

Little dog waits for his masters to finish netting for shrimp as the sun sets in Georgia.
Waiting for Dinner
Little dog waits for his masters to finish netting for shrimp as the sun sets in Georgia.

I was riding on a Golf cart beside Spike as he was running down the road trying to race me. I just happen to catch him with all four paws of the ground.
I was riding on a Golf cart beside Spike as he was running down the road trying to race me. I just happen to catch him with all four paws of the ground.

This picture was taken with an photo journalistic approach. The moment could not have been taken at a more perfect time. The sun was just about to set, creating a lens flare that adds ideal geometry. I took this when I went on a trip to Poland to visit my family. This exact location was in the Krakow Main Square. It relates to the theme because a small girl is feeding pigeons while four boys watch.
Krakow Main Square
This picture was taken with an photo journalistic approach. The moment could not have been taken at a more perfect time. The sun was just about to set, creating a lens flare that adds ideal geometry. I took this when I went on a trip to Poland to visit my family. This exact location was in the Krakow Main Square. It relates to the theme because a small girl is feeding pigeons while four boys watch.

Taken at Saratoga Race Track on August 29. I think it shows the action and excitement at the start of a race.
And they're off
Taken at Saratoga Race Track on August 29. I think it shows the action and excitement at the start of a race.

I LOVE the Brooklyn Bridge. I also happen to love the NY Waterway ferries. They are ever-present on the waterways of NY. It's like seeing a taxi on the street, except it's on the water. I got the opportunity to photograph both at the same time when I took a sightseeing boat around Manhattan. It was my favorite part of the tour!
Bridge to my heart!
I LOVE the Brooklyn Bridge. I also happen to love the NY Waterway ferries. They are ever-present on the waterways of NY. It's like seeing a taxi on the street, except it's on the water. I got the opportunity to photograph both at the same time when I took a sightseeing boat around Manhattan. It was my favorite part of the tour!

This picture is important to me because it was my daughters first picture at home. We took this picture 5 weeks after she was born at our house. This picture relates to the theme because she is my which is considered family.
Arieliz in thoughts
This picture is important to me because it was my daughters first picture at home. We took this picture 5 weeks after she was born at our house. This picture relates to the theme because she is my which is considered family.
sunset over frozen fields of flowerbulbs
sunset over a frozen field of flowerbulbs
sunset over frozen fields of flowerbulbs

7 weeks to go and then comes our first child
Waiting for the baby
7 weeks to go and then comes our first child

I captured my girlfriend at 35 weeks pregnant on Kodak Tri-X film. We were making a silhoute photo to put on the birth announcement card and while this is not the picture to end up on the final product, it's probably my favorite picture of her during pregnancy.
I captured my girlfriend at 35 weeks pregnant on Kodak Tri-X film. We were making a silhoute photo to put on the birth announcement card and while this is not the picture to end up on the final product, it's probably my favorite picture of her during pregnancy.

My first born, my daughter, my YaYa...she's blossoming into a teen and with the sun behind us I wanted to capture this moment...
A Mother's Love
My first born, my daughter, my YaYa...she's blossoming into a teen and with the sun behind us I wanted to capture this moment...
I love it when my kids love their kids
I love it when my kids love their kids

It was my first time playing with these setting on my camera.
I always see great pictures of the Manhattan Beach pier. I felt like I was finally able to come up with something that I felt was really nice, and also a little different from the pictures I normally see.
It was my first time playing with these setting on my camera.
I always see great pictures of the Manhattan Beach pier. I felt like I was finally able to come up with something that I felt was really nice, and also a little different from the pictures I normally see.

Camp Tadmor Oregon
Fishing Dock
Camp Tadmor Oregon

I had waited few hours after raining to get this rainbow picture. I took this at the roof of my apartment about a week ago.
George Washington Bridge
I had waited few hours after raining to get this rainbow picture. I took this at the roof of my apartment about a week ago.

This is one is taken by my wife in our honeymoon in Sharm Elshiekh, Egypt 2011
This is one is taken by my wife in our honeymoon in Sharm Elshiekh, Egypt 2011
Soon after my brother was promoted to Captain in the Marine Corps, he brought our family to the beach to watch the sunset. Little did we know, he proceeded with an unexpected proposal to the love of his life. There wasn't a dry eye in sight. Cheers to Daulton and Kat.
Soon after my brother was promoted to Captain in the Marine Corps, he brought our family to the beach to watch the sunset. Little did we know, he proceeded with an unexpected proposal to the love of his life. There wasn't a dry eye in sight. Cheers to Daulton and Kat.

The simplest toy is not the sprinkler, it's the Grandma taking the picture! At least that is what my Grandson seems to be saying to me, while having fun in the water with his two older brothers. I really loved that I was able to capture his humor with the water coming up around his face. Just another fun day in Fort Wayne, Indiana!
The Simplest Toy
The simplest toy is not the sprinkler, it's the Grandma taking the picture! At least that is what my Grandson seems to be saying to me, while having fun in the water with his two older brothers. I really loved that I was able to capture his humor with the water coming up around his face. Just another fun day in Fort Wayne, Indiana!

Spectacular views of Bergen, Norway, the surrounding fjord and mountain landscape can be seen from the top of Mt.Floyen. The top of the mountain can be reached by funicular, one of Bergen's best known attractions. Using my fisheye lens and a Nikon D90, I photographed wide angle views with a hemispherical effect. I knew I captured that unique image when I included the red colored funicular in the foreground of my picture.
Bergen, Norway
Spectacular views of Bergen, Norway, the surrounding fjord and mountain landscape can be seen from the top of Mt.Floyen. The top of the mountain can be reached by funicular, one of Bergen's best known attractions. Using my fisheye lens and a Nikon D90, I photographed wide angle views with a hemispherical effect. I knew I captured that unique image when I included the red colored funicular in the foreground of my picture.

Solitary Lighthouse at the end of a spit in Santa Cruz at sunset
Walton Lighthouse
Solitary Lighthouse at the end of a spit in Santa Cruz at sunset

During graduation ceremonies, the tassel is turned from the right to the left side, signifying one's' transition from student to graduate.
Tassel Turn
During graduation ceremonies, the tassel is turned from the right to the left side, signifying one's' transition from student to graduate.

Another amazing day at Grand Canyon!
Grand Canyon
Another amazing day at Grand Canyon!

During a rainy Sunday in may 2016 pulled the parade through the streets of the village of Stramproy. This woman sat alone in the rain on the street when the parade pass by.
The private parade
During a rainy Sunday in may 2016 pulled the parade through the streets of the village of Stramproy. This woman sat alone in the rain on the street when the parade pass by.

This was taken at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery last spring, shortly before Memorial Day.
Honoring the fallen.
This was taken at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery last spring, shortly before Memorial Day.

Nandi hills which is about 60 kms away from Bangalore city is one of the most famous weekend gateways. People usually go at the early morning to see the sunrise. This photograph is one of the viewpoints in Nandi Hills where people gather around to see the sunrise.
Gather Around
Nandi hills which is about 60 kms away from Bangalore city is one of the most famous weekend gateways. People usually go at the early morning to see the sunrise. This photograph is one of the viewpoints in Nandi Hills where people gather around to see the sunrise.

Our 3 grandsons and goofy chocolate lab that thinks he is one of the boys.
Summer fun
Our 3 grandsons and goofy chocolate lab that thinks he is one of the boys.

Front row for Swim Deep at Glastonbury 2015 twice in one day was one of my most favourite experiences. I'm surprised I managed to pick up my camera in between the dancing and screaming.
Try Hard
Front row for Swim Deep at Glastonbury 2015 twice in one day was one of my most favourite experiences. I'm surprised I managed to pick up my camera in between the dancing and screaming.

I love how the picture gives a sense of playfulness and joy. I took this is Portsmouth, NH. This is related to the theme I chose because its a mystery to who is behind the umbrella giving it a creative/artistic feel to it.
Twin Ballerina's
I love how the picture gives a sense of playfulness and joy. I took this is Portsmouth, NH. This is related to the theme I chose because its a mystery to who is behind the umbrella giving it a creative/artistic feel to it.

At the Bay Area Great Bull Run there was a guy in costume running ahead of the bulls
One in every crowd
At the Bay Area Great Bull Run there was a guy in costume running ahead of the bulls

The photo was taken during my vacation in Paris.
Paris-The city of lights
The photo was taken during my vacation in Paris.

My daughter in her element amongst the wildflowers
Amongst the Wildflowers
My daughter in her element amongst the wildflowers

While visiting in Ormond Beach, Florida, an early morning fisherman waits patiently for a bite on his line. The soft lighting of the rising sun presents lovely shades of color on the ocean against his silhouette.
Early Morning Fishing
While visiting in Ormond Beach, Florida, an early morning fisherman waits patiently for a bite on his line. The soft lighting of the rising sun presents lovely shades of color on the ocean against his silhouette.

An early morning runner follows the rhythm of the sea while cruising along the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean.
Following the Sea Rhythm
An early morning runner follows the rhythm of the sea while cruising along the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean.

Anywhere in the world, you can find yourself basking in the glory of the magnificent colors of a sunset. This one happened to be in Paris, France on the eve of Valentine's Day.
Burning Skies
Anywhere in the world, you can find yourself basking in the glory of the magnificent colors of a sunset. This one happened to be in Paris, France on the eve of Valentine's Day.

Editor's Note: Enjoy today's International Picture of the Day selection!
Under a bridge
Editor's Note: Enjoy today's International Picture of the Day selection!

Beautiful Saturday Afternoon with my twin nephews Ronan & Dominic and my Golden Retriever Max
Saturday Afternoon
Beautiful Saturday Afternoon with my twin nephews Ronan & Dominic and my Golden Retriever Max

This is Patagonia Lake State Park in southern Arizona. It was a beautiful day to be out enjoying the lake and sunshine.
Afternoon at the Lake
This is Patagonia Lake State Park in southern Arizona. It was a beautiful day to be out enjoying the lake and sunshine.

My four year old son(foreground)was taking on more challenges at a local park when I lifted my camera and captured this shot today, July 19, 2015.
Destroy all the goals.
My four year old son(foreground)was taking on more challenges at a local park when I lifted my camera and captured this shot today, July 19, 2015.

My sweet grandbaby playing in the water. I loved the light from the sun in this one.
My sweet grandbaby playing in the water. I loved the light from the sun in this one.

Father and son took part with a bicycle race, the coastal marathon on 5 October 2013 in the province of Zeeland in Netherlands.
Like father like son
Father and son took part with a bicycle race, the coastal marathon on 5 October 2013 in the province of Zeeland in Netherlands.

Editor's Note: Enjoy today's International Picture of the Day selection!
Editor's Note: Enjoy today's International Picture of the Day selection!

We went on vacation in Gatlinburg, TN. We were hiking in the woods and came across a huge spiderweb. The picture is of my son and husband's reaction to the spiderweb. (slightly overplayed)
We went on vacation in Gatlinburg, TN. We were hiking in the woods and came across a huge spiderweb. The picture is of my son and husband's reaction to the spiderweb. (slightly overplayed)

A summer evening in New York City: My husband captured this picture of our dogs and I taking a stroll through New York's West Village.
Summer Stroll
A summer evening in New York City: My husband captured this picture of our dogs and I taking a stroll through New York's West Village.

This evening a balloon landed in a field in Altweerterheide in the Netherlands.
Balloon flight
This evening a balloon landed in a field in Altweerterheide in the Netherlands.